
Weekend beginning. Posture. Jogging to Righteous Ape and Bird.

So it is Saturday now, barely. The clock recently tocked midnight, so I'm in that nocturnal twilight.
For those of you that don't already know, Small Leaks is right in the middle of our studio time. After a fun and exhausting week in the studio laying down the drums we are now taking a week off to play a show and loosen our fingers, (and nerves) a bit.

In the mean time, I'm trying to sit up straight. Since I'm always feeling pretty bad about my posture. I usually end up like the bottom two images to the left. So I decided to buy a bar stool instead of a computer desk for my apartment.
The only problem is that I have rarely noticed that it truly benefits my posture. It's a long battle though, so I guess I'll just keep trying to sit up straight whenever I become consciously aware of it.
In the mean time, I think exercising in general has been something that I've been putting off for too long now.
It's been very easy to say "nah, too busy to run" during the last few months, and with AZ summer heat the way it is, even the evenings can be in the 90's. (Not exactly fun weather to run in.)
Now that the heat let up for a few brief days. I'll be able to kick in a few miles a week again and feel somewhat content with my fitness level.

As for things that I listen to when I'm running, my favorite jogging song would have to be, Righteous Ape and Bird... Download and listen. Throw it on your Mp3 player.
Definitely a gem from my favorite band the Octopus Project.

We'll, we have practice tomorrow and as usual, things are getting caffeinated. So I'll see you all on the flip side.
1luv, ryan
small leaks

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